Wednesday, June 25

Finally... Recovery...

As I have mentioned before I was sick. Actually, on Friday I went back to the doctor to give the final blood test after I took some medicine for my liver. And it turns good!!! My liver has normal again, but again it was my bad. Actually, the liver antibiotic given with some medicine for ease the pain. I was told, the medicine should be taken IF ONLY I feel pain. But, I didn't felt any pain at that time but the pain was came after several days. So I have for gotten about that drug. :D

Then when I came back to the doctor, the doctor analyze my blood test result which all good then he asked me about what I feel now. Then I told him, sometimes I feel hurt in my stomach. Then he checked my stomach and he said it was the cause of the prior liver medicine. My stomach can not accept that. It's too hard.

Then it reminds me to the anti pain drugs that given to me but I never take it. :D
Ok, that's my bad. :P

So now, I'm still recovering from gastritis which ordered me not to do too much work and do anything exhausted.

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