Tuesday, September 16

Wednesday, September 3


Dear All Visitors of The Story Of Rhea,, from now on, I'm officially moving to www.rheys.com. The Story of Rhea also linked there by new address www.rheys.com/diary/

Meet you there!!!

Lots of Loves and Hugs,

Monday, September 1

My 24th B'day

First of all, I want to thank you for all my family, friends, relatives, and every body who gives their best wishes for me.

Okay, lets the story begin. This b'day a bit different from the earlier. Why? Because it's Saturday and I can't stay my butt till noon on bed coz I have to go to BNI'46 for some survey at 9 sharp there!

We went to a room, and I started to curious when I saw an extraordinary huge mirror on the right side of the room when we entered from the door. Then when I take a look on the room, I found 2 cameras.

The conversation took more than 2 hours. and it finished about 1.30 PM. Then Denty and I went to EX for lunch. Well, actually we got some money from that survey and I got extra coz I had to blog for a week. Isn't it great? Got pretty much money on your b'day? hohohoho. $-)

What's the special from my 24th b'day is not only that I got extra money, but also I got greetings from plenty of unexpected people! Many of them who had lost contact for years even more than 10 years never communicate and suddenly he left a b'day greeting on you email! Isn't it great? Beside that, what also makes it special is I received an email from my very big boss at the office! :D

Isn't it great?

And now is the first day of Ramadhan where we all muslims in the world required to do fasting for a whole month and then we will celebrate a joyful ied! ;)

Tuesday, August 26

LoNg Night JourneY

Tadi malem waktu lagi nunggu kabar dari kk, ternyata dia gak tau bisa pulang jam brp karena di kantornya masih ada problem. Good! Padahal disini lampu dah dimati2in dan rasanya sepi, hening, dan mengerikan. Apalagi di lorong marketing yang gelap gulita itu! Hiii... :-SS

Akhirnya gw putuskan untuk pulang ke rumah sendiri. Bulan ini, karena mobil amat sangat teramat lama masuk bengkel gara-gara si Mayasari Bhakti sialan itu, akhirnya gw harus mengeluarkan duit lebih untuk naik taxi. Bayangkan, rumah gw di Kelapa Gading, kantor gw di Tendean! Dari ujung ke ujung bukaaaan?!?!?!?! Gimana gak miskin coba gw bulan ini? Apalagi sekarang tanggal tua. :((

Akhirnya gw pikirin cara terefektif dan termurah untuk pulang ke rumah. Waktu lagi mikirin itu jg datang banyak godaan yg bisikin gw, udah langsung naik taxi aja ke gading dari depan Tendean Plaza. Tapi malaikat hemat pun datang berbisik, "Jangan jadi anak boros! Duit dah seret juga! Emangnya Tendean-Gading deket?? Belum macet disana sini. Bisa2 naik taxi dari sini habis more than 100K IDR". Ok, akhirnya bisikan malaikat yang lebih dominan.

Aa pun nelpon gw, dia bilang kalau dia tau dari sorean mungkin dia masih sempet untuk jemput gw, tapi saat itu dah sekitar jam 7 kurang dan dia lagi ada di Cipinang. Can imagine how long should I wait for him in this creepy office room?

Akhirnya jam 7an gw nyebrang ke depan Tendean Plaza. Trus naik 602 ke Setia Budi Building. tadinya mau naik taxi dari situ, tp pas diliat-liat TJ gak gitu padet dan gw jg dah lamaaaaaa bgt gak naik TJ. Terakhir naik TJ thn 2006 waktu skripsi di Conoco yang di Gd.BNI '46.
Gw pun naik TJ. Ternyata TJ dari Kuningan gak langsung ke Matraman, tapi kita harus transit dulu di Menteng Wadas. Dan disitulah sekita jam 1/2 8 malem kerumbunan manusia bak semut padeeetttt bgt. Duh,, gak lagi2 deh!

Akhirnya gw dapet jg setelah lewat 2 TJ. Di dalemnya pun masih padet, jd harus berdiri. Tapi untunglah di Jakarta masih ada pria gentle. Pas ada tempat kosong di depannya, dia gak duduk, tapi malah ngasih tau gw yg posisinya ngebelakangin dia, nyuruh gw duduk disitu. Wahh, gw kaget dan seneng bgt. Gak nyangka di Jakarta hukum wanita harus didahulukan masih berlaku. Akhirnya gw duduk dg nyaman sambil mikir nanti turun dimana ya? :-S

Pengennya turun di Pramuka, biar naik taxinya gak terlalu deket ke gading. Kalo terlalu deket kan gak enak juga sama supirnya. Ehh, pas diliat-liat kondisi jalan Pramuka kok mengerikan yaaa??? Sepi-sepi gituh di pinggir jalannya. Hii,, kalo gw diapa-apain gimana? :-SS

Pengen turun di depan Arion tapi takut bisnya gak berenti dan susah cari taxi Blue Bird yg kosong. Akhirnya gw putuskan turun di depan Labs. Yaa, skalian itung2 kenaikan tarif taxi sejak thn 2001-2002. Dulu kan kalo pulang naik taxi biasanya sekitar Rp12000-18000.

Cukup lama juga yaaa, taxinya gak lewat-lewat... Akhirnya steelah 10 menit menunggu ada juga taxi Blue Bird kosong yang lewat. Akhirnya gw bisa sampe ke rumah. Hmm, ternyata kok perbandingan argo sama jaman dulu gak jauh beda ya? :-/

Dulu tuh sekitar tahun 2001-2002 dalam kondisi yang berbeda-beda, rata-rata argo taxi dari Pemuda-Simphony paling murah 12000, paling mahal 18000. Sekarang pada pukul 8 mlm yang amana jalanan juga gak kosong-kosong amat, argo taxi dengan jarak yang sama hanya Rp23000. Selisihnya cukup seikit hanya Rp5000. Padahal kenaikan argo taxi antara tahun tersebut kan cukup besar.

Yaa, sutralah yang penting gw bisa sampe ke rumah dengan selamat. :)

Tapi kalo disuruh ngulang lagi, kalo gak terpaksaaaaaaa banget kayaknya gw gak mau deh! :D

Sumpede... Cuapeeee buaaangeeetttzzzz dan kaki pegel buangeetzzz rasanya lutut mau copot! b-(

Monday, August 25

Ball Room Dance

Last Friday night, (August 22, 2008) I went to FF Pacific Place after tiresome works... Actually, I went there to attend Latin Salsa class just like I always do, but I didn't noticed that the schedule has been rearrange. The Latin Salsa class has been moved to Saturday noon, and the class on Friday night is Ballroom Dance. What a great coincidence! I always want to learn Ballroom Dance coz I think it's so prestigious and beautiful. And now I got that chance!

Is it me or other people who is weird coz the participants only 3 (THREE) people and all of us are female! But it's great coz the couch being fully attention to us. Every step we take, etc... It's sooo great!

Ballroom Dance
template by suckmylolly.com flower brushes by gvalkyrie.deviantart.com